Tongue Tie

Tongue tie is a congenital condition where a short, thick band of tissue tethers the tongue to the mouth floor.


Tongue tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition characterized by an unusually short, thick, or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) tethering the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth. This condition can restrict the tongue’s range of motion and affect eating, speech, and oral hygiene. In infants, tongue tie can also cause difficulties with breastfeeding. The severity of tongue tie can vary widely, with some individuals experiencing minor limitations and others facing significant challenges.

The condition of tongue-tie has been recognized for centuries. Historical records indicate that midwives in ancient times would use their fingernails to cut the tight lingual frenulum immediately after birth to facilitate breastfeeding. Over the years, the understanding and management of ankyloglossia have evolved significantly. In modern times, the condition is diagnosed through clinical evaluation and may be addressed via surgical or non-surgical methods.


Tongue tie is present at birth and occurs when the lingual frenulum does not develop normally. The exact cause is unknown, but it may have a genetic component, as it sometimes runs in families. Factors that might influence the condition’s development include:

Genetic mutations: Certain genetic variations could influence the development of the lingual frenulum.

Developmental anomalies: Issues during fetal development that affect the formation of oral tissues.

Risk Factors

Factors that may increase the risk of tongue tie include:

  • Family history: A familial tendency towards tongue tie or other congenital oral conditions.
  • Gender: Tongue tie is more common in males than females.


If left untreated, tongue tie can lead to various complications:

Breastfeeding difficulties: Poor latch and ineffective breastfeeding, leading to inadequate infant nutrition and maternal discomfort.

Speech issues: Difficulty articulating certain sounds, which can impact communication skills.

Oral hygiene problems: Difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene due to restricted tongue movement, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Mechanical problems: Issues with activities like licking an ice cream cone, playing a wind instrument, or kissing.


There are no known preventive measures for tongue tie since it is a congenital condition. Early diagnosis and intervention, however, can prevent many of the complications associated with the condition.


  • Difficulty lifting the tongue to the upper teeth or moving the tongue from side to side
  • Inability to stick the tongue out past the lower front teeth
  • The tip of the tongue may appear notched or heart-shaped when extended
  • Poor latch during breastfeeding, leading to inadequate nutrition and maternal nipple pain
  • Challenges with pronouncing certain sounds, particularly those that require the tongue to touch the roof of the mouth, such as "t," "d," "z," "s," "th," "l," and "r"

When to see a doctor

  • An infant is having trouble breastfeeding or gaining weight
  • A child exhibits speech difficulties that seem related to tongue mobility
  • There are ongoing problems with oral hygiene due to difficulty moving the tongue

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